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Graded “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” COURSE DESCRIPTION Supervised, practical experience in an appropriate community agency; an opportunity for students of demonstrated maturity and judgment to discover the integration between theory and practice and make applications. RECOMMENDED TEXT None COURSE OBJECTIVES The experiential learning program is designed to provide: An opportunity to apply sociological knowledge and skills in a work setting Allow students to develop work-related knowledge and skills Facilitate exploration of career opportunities for participants, and Encourage personal development and self assessment of involved students. LEARNING OUTCOMES—see attached competencies Grading Policy This course is graded on a Pass/Fail or S/U basis. To receive a passing grade in the course, students must do the following: Complete at least 150 hours (per 3 credit units) at a field placement site—as verified by signed Weekly Hour Logs by site supervisor. Receive a positive evaluation from the field placement site supervisor. Complete journal entries. Attend all scheduled supervision meeting. Failure to meet these criteria will resulting in a grade of “U” (unsatisfactory) for the course. Site Evaluation is conducted both formally and informally. Your site supervisor will be phoned several times and your site will be visited at least once during the semester. In addition, a formal written evaluation will be completed by your site supervisor of your internship experience. Contact with the former site supervisor and their written evaluation is a requirement for obtaining PLA credit. Assignments Agency Paper: Students will complete an agency paper. The outline of the paper is as follows: Name of Agency; Brief history of agency; At least three major goals or purposes of the agency (mission statement) Sources of agency’s funding; Organizational structure of the agency; i.e., governing body, administrative staff, direct staff; Community served. For example, what types of diversity exist? Brief description of the major programs or services; Role of the intern at this agency; Any other information that you think is important to know about this agency. Demonstration of time log. Students are expected to provide documentation that experience at the site meet minimum hourly requirements (150 hours) for a 3 hour internship. Topic papers: Student will write ten 1-2 page single spaced and typed topic papers that explore different professional and sociological dimensions of the internship. The topics are: Examine the professional ethics statements of Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (aacsnet.org). Based on this statement, what are three ethical issues at your site? What are your personal strengths and vulnerabilities and how do these relate to the internship? Describe your working relationship with the site supervisor. Describe your relationship to the clients served by the organization. Include such elements as: Your perception of client strengths and weaknesses; Your perception of client goals and barriers to reaching their goals; Difference between your perception and the client’s definition of the situation; Review the chapter on culture in an introductory sociology textbook. Discuss the organizational culture at your site. Analyze your role as a change agent. What “theory” or framework do you use as a change agent? Discuss the context of social inequality (i.e., race, class, gender, etc.) in the internship site. What are three major components of a sociological perspective? Apply these components to your site. Critique an area of agency policy, programming, or procedures you would like to see changed. Discuss you overall satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the internship site. Internship paper: Students are required to write a five page double spaced and typed paper that analyzes their internship experience from a sociological perspective. 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