Dual Enrollment Certificate Programs

Starting Fall 2024, the 皇家华人 State University Dual Enrollment Program is now offering a series of certificates designed for Dual Enrollment Students. Students will earn these certificates by completing VSU coursework either on campus courses or through our online SMARTPath core or through our affiliation with eCORE. These certificates range in hours are under 30 credit hours and emphasize appropriate science and technology courses that should help students start toward their intended major or career pathway. Upon successful completion of the courses listed, students will receive a certificate. 

Certificate Programs


Fundamentals of Computer Science (online and on-campus)

Fundamentals of Data Science (online and on-campus)

Fundamentals of Sustainability and Climate Science (on-campus)

Fundamentals of Engineering Technology (on-campus)

Fundamentals of Pre-Pharmacy and Chemistry (on-campus)

Fundamentals of Pre-Medicine and Health Professionals (on-campus)

Fundamentals of Pre-Allied Health (on-campus)



Fundamentals of Computer Science

Certificate Information: A general program that focuses on computing, computer science, and information science and systems. Such programs are undifferentiated as to title and content and are not to be confused with specific programs in computer science, information science, or related support services.

General Education Foundation Courses

  • English (3 hours):  ENGL1101 or ENGL1102    
  • Mathematics (3-4 hours):  MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1112, MATH 1113, MATH 1401, or MATH 1501/MATH2261
  • Social Sciences (3 hours):  PSYC 1101, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, SOCI 1101, ECON 2105, or ECON 2106
  • Additional Academic (3-4 hours): Any Dual Enrollment Approved Academic Class

Computer Science Foundation Courses: 

  • CS 1000 Intro to Microcomputers (3 hours)
  • CS 1010 Algorithmic Problem Solving (3 hours)
  • CS/CSI 1301 Principles of Programming I (4 hours)

 Total Credit Hours for Certificate Completion: 22-24


Fundamentals of Data Science

Certificate Information: A program that focuses on the analysis of large scale data sources from the interdisciplinary perspectives of applied statistics, computer science, data storage, data representation, data modeling, mathematics, and statistics. Includes instruction in computer algorithms, computer programming, data management, data mining, information policy, information retrieval, mathematical modeling, quantitative analysis, statistics, trend spotting, and visual analytics.

General Education Foundation Courses

  • English (3 hours):  ENGL1101 or ENGL1102    
  • Mathematics (3-4 hours):  MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1112, MATH 1113, MATH 1401, or MATH 1501/MATH2261
  • Social Sciences (3 hours):  PSYC 1101, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, SOCI 1101, ECON 2105, or ECON 2106
  • Additional Academic (3-4 hours): Any Dual Enrollment Approved Academic Class

Data Science Foundation Courses: 

  • CS 1010 Algorithmic Problem Solving (3 hours)
  • MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics (3 hours)
  • DATA 3100 Introduction to Data Analytics (3 hours)

 Total Credit Hours for Certificate Completion: 21-23 Hours


Fundamentals of Sustainability and Climate Science Certificate 

Certificate Information: A program that focuses on the scientific study of the climate system of the earth with emphasis on the physical, dynamical, and chemical interactions of the atmosphere, ocean, land, ice, and the terrestrial and marine biospheres. Includes instruction in biology, chemistry, climate analysis, climate change adaptation/mitigation, climate policy, ecology, energy development, environmental impacts, marine chemistry, meteorology, and oceanography..

General Education Foundation Courses

  • English (3 hours):  ENGL1101 or ENGL1102    
  • Mathematics (3-4 hours):  MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1112, MATH 1113, MATH 1401, or MATH 1501/MATH2261
  • Social Sciences (3 hours):  PSYC 1101, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, SOCI 1101, ECON 2105, or ECON 2106
  • Additional Academic (3-4 hours): Any Dual Enrollment Approved Academic Class

Sustainability and Climate Science Foundation Courses: 

  • GEOG 1112K Intro to Weather and Climate (4 hours)
  • Select one Sustainability and Climate Science Course Below - (4 hours):
    • GEOG 1113 and GEOG 1113L Introduction to Land Forms
      • Or
    • GEOL1121K Principles of Physical Geology
  • Select one Sustainability and Climate Science Course Below - (3 hours):
    • GEOG1120: Introductory Oceanography
      • Or
    • GEOG 11125 Resources, Society, and Environment

 Total Credit Hours for Certificate Completion: 23-26


Fundamentals of Engineering Technology (Progam approval in progress)

General Education Foundation Courses

  • English (3 hours):  ENGL1101 or ENGL1102    
  • Mathematics (3-4 hours):  MATH 1101, MATH 1111, MATH 1112, MATH 1113, MATH 1401, or MATH 1501/MATH2261
  • Social Sciences (3 hours):  PSYC 1101, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, SOCI 1101, ECON 2105, or ECON 2106
  • Additional Academic (3-4 hours): Any Dual Enrollment Approved Academic Class

Engineering Technology Foundation Courses: 

  • ENGT/ENGR 2010 Introduction to Engineering Technology/Engineering (3 hours)
  • ENGR/ENGT 2500 Engineering Graphics for Design (3 hours)
  • Select one Engineering Technology Course Below - (3 hours):
    • ENGT 2510 Statistics in Engineering Technology
      • Or
    • ENGT 2520 Engineering Economics

Total Credit Hours for Certificate Completion: 21-23




Fundamentals of Pre-Pharmacy and Chemistry Certificate

Certificate Information: A general program that focuses on the scientific study of the composition and behavior of matter, including its micro- and macro-structure, the processes of chemical change, and the theoretical description and laboratory simulation of these phenomena.



  • English:
    • ENGL 1101 or ENGL1102 (3 hours)
  • Mathematics:
    • MATH 1112 or  MATH 1113 (3 hours)
  • Social Sciences - Select on course below (3 hours)
    • PSYC1101, POL 1101, HIST 2111, HIST 2112, SOCI 1101 or COMM 1100
  • CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I (3 hours)
  • CHEM 1211L Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I (1 hour)
  • CHEM 1212 Principles of Chemistry II (3 hours)
  • CHEM 1212L Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory (1 hour)
  • BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I (3 hours)
  • BIOL 1107L Principles of Biology Laboratory (1 hour)
  • BIOL 1108 Principles of Biology II (3 hours)
  • BIOL 1108L Principles of Biology II (1 hour)

 Total Credit Hours for Certificate Completion: 25



Fundamentals of Pre-Medicine and Health Professionals



  • *BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I (3 hours)
  • *BIOL 1107L Principles of Biology Laboratory (1 hour)
  • *BIOL 1108 Principles of Biology (3 hours)
  • *BIOL 1108L Principles of Biology Laboratory (1 hour)
  • MATH 1113 Precalculus (3 hours)
  • MATH 1401 Statistics (3 hours)
  • ENGL 1101 English Composition I (3 hours)
  • ENGL1102 English Composition II (3 hours)
  • POLS 1101 American Government (3 hours)
  • PSYC 1101 General Psychology (3 hours)
  • Social Sciences: Select one - HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 (3 hours)
* Courses must be taken on campus at VSU                       

Total Credit Hours for Certificate Completion: 29




Fundamentals of Pre-Allied Health (Program approval in progress)



  • Mathematics: MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 (3 hours)
  • ENGL 1101 English Composition I (3 hours)
  • ENGL 1102 English Composition II (3 hours)
  • POLS 1101 American Government (3 hours)
  • SOCI 1101 (3 hours)
  • *BIOL 2251K Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 hours)
  • *BIOL 2252K Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4 hours)
  • PSYC 1101 General Psychology (3 hours)

* Courses must be taken on campus at VSU

Total Credit Hours for Certificate Completion: 21