
b'BENEFITS OF THE DUAL ENROLLMENT PROGRAM. 2x THE CREDITS GOStudents can earn college credit at no cost for tuition,TOWARDS YOURmandatory fees, or books. Some minimal fees mayHIGH SCHOOL apply for specific courses; i.e. labs, art supplies, etc. DIPLOMA ANDAllows students to adjust to college life before theyCOLLEGE DEGREEleave home. 0 ZERO To qualify for HOPE or Zell Miller, students must take 4 courses which qualify as courses of academic$ COST TO THErigor. All Dual Enrollment courses meet this requirement at the state level.The courses taken in VSUs Dual Enrollment program do not count against the total number of hours HOPE will pay once students graduate from high school. Provides opportunities for students to take coursesSTUDENTfrom award-winning, VSU faculty, who strive for excellence in teaching and learning in the classroom. 4 Year COMPREHENSIVE UNIVERSITY CREDITS'