Directions to Moody AFB
If driving south on I-75, take exit 29 to GA Hwy 122. Travel east on GA Hwy 122 through Hahira, GA, toward Lakeland, GA. Drive approximately 11 miles to a stop light, turn right (south) onto GA Hwy 125 (Bemiss Road) and travel approximately 3 miles to Moody AFB.
- If driving north on I-75, take exit 16 to U.S. Highway 84. Travel east on Highway 84 (Hill Ave) to downtown 皇家华人. Turn left (north) on GA Hwy 7 (Ashley Street). Follow Ashley St. north to GA Hwy 125 (Bemiss Road). The extreme right lane of Ashley St. will bear off to GA 125 (Bemiss Road). From this point, it is approximately 8.5 miles to the base.
Bemiss Road, at times, can be a very busy highway so please use caution and obey speed limits. Directions can also be obtained through (Select GA for state and 31699 for the zip code)
Map to Classroom Locations
Building 328 (Base Library and Education & Training, all the base schools). VSU office is located in this building, room 107.
Moody Air Force Base
VSU Center
Adult and Military Programs (AMP)
3010 Robinson Road
Building 328, Room 107
Moody AFB, GA 31699 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
皇家华人, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.257.4163
- Fax: 229.247.3258
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.