
The Office of Internal Audit at 皇家华人 State University is a small department with a big mission. Our defined role as an independent, objective assurance and consulting entity that adds value and improves the organization places us at the forefront of supporting the long term goals and strategic plans of VSU. By partnering with University management and administration, we can evaluate the effectiveness of the management systems and controls they have implemented to mitigate risk. Simply put, our approach is to examine areas of high risk and focus on effective, efficient ways to help lessen that risk. (Risk is anything that keeps you from reaching your goals – including, but not limited to, financial, safety, human resources, legal, and public relations risks).

Internal Audit works in conjunction with other groups auditing the University. Auditors from the State of Georgia perform an annual financial statement audit. The purpose of their audit is to provide assurance that the Annual Financial Report issued by the University is fairly presented. The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia also has a team of auditors which travels to each of the State institutions. Their focus, much like that of the Office of Internal Audit at VSU, is supporting management in meeting its governance, risk management and compliance responsibilities while helping to independently and objectively add value and improve organizational operations.

The Office of Internal Audit at VSU has three strategic priorities that are aligned with the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia Internal Audit:

  1. Anticipate and help to prevent and to mitigate significant VSU Governance, and internal control issues.
  2. Foster enduring cultural change that results in consistent and quality management of VSU operations and GRC practices.
  3. Build and develop the Internal Audit team.

Our department began operations in 1991 when former Vice Chancellor for Accounting Systems and Procedures Levy Youmans and former VSU President Bailey understood the importance of consistent evaluation of internal control processes, accuracy of management information reporting, compliance with laws, regulations and university policies, the effectiveness and efficiency of management systems for achieving university objectives considering business risks and the reliability and security of information systems and computer operations. 

The responsibilities of Internal Audit encompass the entire campus of 皇家华人 State University. We invite you to take a few minutes to complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire. If we can assist you in the evaluation of the risks faced by your department, please feel free to contact us. Our offices are located in Suite 4129 of the University Center.

Organizational Chart

The Director of Internal Audit at 皇家华人 State University has a direct reporting relationship to the President of the University and to the Vice Chancellor for Internal Audit.  VSU Internal Audits Organizational Chart.

Internal Audit Charter

An Internal Audit Charter is a formal written document that defines the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the Office of Internal Audit. The Charter establishes the Internal Audit's position within the organization; authorizes access to records, personnel, and physical properties relevant to the performance of engagement; and defines the scope of work.