The certificate program in Africana Studies is designed to increase knowledge of experiences of people of African descent in the United States and across the globe.  It provides an opportunity to gain credentials in the field and serves to enhance cultural competency for working professionals and undergraduate students. Four courses, from the array of courses in Africana Studies, are required for completion of the certificate and are offered both online and on campus.


  • For individuals who are not currently enrolled at 皇家华人 State University, visit the Admissions Page  to enroll as a non degree seeking student and fill out the  so we can track your progress towards the certificate.


  • For currently enrolled students at 皇家华人 State University, fill out the to so we can track your progress towards the certificate.


The program of study is below:


AFAM Hours 

12 hrs
Total Hours   12 hrs


Africana Studies Catalog Course Description

AFAM 3000 Introduction to Africana Studies
AFAM 3030 African to African American Philosophy and Religious Studies
AFAM 3090 Inequalities Past and Present
AFAM 3220 African American Literature
AFAM 3225 Introduction to African American Literary Criticism
AFAM 3280 African American Politics
AFAM 3320 African Literature
AFAM 3600 Special Topics
AFAM 4231 African American History to 1865
AFAM 4232 African American History Since 1865
AFAM 4233 African American Cultural History
AFAM 4234 African American Intellectual History
AFAM 4330 African Politics
AFAM 4550 The Caribbean World
AFAM 4551 Women in the African Diaspora
AFAM 4552 Contemporary Black Man
AFAM 4700 Africana Studies Seminar