Operations Officer
AFSC Career Field Educational Requirements (M=Mandatory, D=Desired, and [ ]= items identified by AFSC manager but may not appear in AFOCD
10C0 Operations Commander
11BX Bomber Pilot
11EX Test Pilot
11FX Fighter Pilot
11GX Generalist Pilot
11HX Helicopter Pilot
11KX Trainer Pilot
11MX Mobility Pilot
11RX Recce/Surv/Elect Warfare Pilot
11SX Special Operations Pilot
11UX Remotely Operated Aircraft
CSO / Navigator
12BX Bomber Navigator
12EX Test Navigator
12FX Fighter Navigator
12GX Generalist Navigator
12KX Trainer Navigator
12MX Mobility Navigator
12RX Recce/Surv/Elect Warfare Navigator
12SX Special Operations Navigator
12UX Remotely Operated Aircraft
Space, Missile, and C2
13AX Astronaut
13BX Air Battle Manager
D - Tech degree w/ courses in Admin & Mgmt (92T2 - Training AFSC
13DX Control and Recovery
13MX Airfield Operation
D - Tech degree w/ courses in Admin & Mgmt
13SX Space & Missile
D - Management, Bus Admin, Math, Science, Space Ops, Econ, Comp Sci, Engr, Liberal Arts
14NX Intelligence
D - Physical, Earth, Computer, Social or Information Sciences; Engr; Math; Foreign Area Studies; Bus Admin, or Mgmt
[LANGUAGES: Arabic, Slavic (Russian, Ukraine), Mid-East dialect, Korean, Chinese]
[DEGREE: Elec Engr, Intn'l Rel, Physics, Pol Sci]
15WX Weather
M - NONE, however, MUST have 24 hrs in Meteorology, including 6 hrs of Dynamic Meteorology; 6 hrs Analysis & Prediction of Weather Sys (synoptic/mesocale)
D - Meteorology, Atmospheric Science, Math, Science, Geography, Chemistry, Engineering
Operations Support
16FX Regional Affairs Strategist
16GX Air Force Operations Staff Officer
16PX Political-Military Affairs Strategist
16RX Planning & Programming
Pilot, CSO (Combat System Operators - the new term for navigator), and ABM (Air Battle Managers) trainees are given AFSCs of 92T0, 92T1 and 92T2, respectively. Upon successful completion of your specialized training for these career fields, you will be awarded the appropriate AFSC listed above.
Department of Aerospace Studies / AFROTC
Barrow Hall
North Campus
200 Pendleton Drive
皇家华人, Georgia 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5954
- Fax: 229.333.5467
Monday-Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm
Friday 8:00am-3:00pm