Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment
What is the Georgia Educator Ethics assessment?
The Georgia Educator Ethics assessment is a training and assessment program composed of a series of modules that combine instruction and testing. The goal of the assessment is to help educators become familiar with, understand, and apply the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators, as well as comprehend and embrace the principles of ethical decision making in an educational context. The assessment is comprised of seven interactive modules. The modules focus on professionalism in education — in teachers’ relationships with their students, their schools, and their communities — as well as on ethical understanding to guide decision making, and the specific regulations and expectations that educators face in Georgia.
How is this assessment different from other GACE assessments?
This assessment is coupled with an embedded training program that offers a “learn by doing” approach around true-to-life scenarios, including actions, dispositions, and values. Designed not only to reinforce ethical standards or “code,” this tool also allows you to navigate through “real life” scenarios, deepening your understanding of obligations and situations to clarify how to avoid risk. Learning modules in the assessment are followed by end-of-module tests related to what you’ve learned in the modules.
Who needs to take the Georgia Educator Ethics (360)?
The Georgia Ethics assessments are required for teacher candidates who are entering a preparation program. This assessment only needs to be taken once, and it could have been taken while enrolled at a different institution or while employed in a school district. For more information about the assessment, see
Eligibility and Registration
You must create or update your MyPSC account on the GaPSC website and select 7 as your reason for testing. You will then be eligible to take the Georgia Educator Ethics (360). Registering for this assessment is a four-step process:
- You create or update your account on the website.
- The GaPSC sends your profile and eligibility information to ETS. This step generally takes a day or two.
- ETS sends you an email with a link to the Educator Ethics system.
- You access the Educator Ethics assessment system, create your account, and register and pay for the assessment ($30.00).
Note: The Georgia Educator Ethics assessment does not use the same registration system as other GACE Assessments. If you experience issues acquiring the email from ETS, see the last question below for contact information.
Where can I take this assessment?
You can take the assessment with your computer or tablet from home or anywhere you have Internet access. The assessment is delivered via a secure web service. After you confirm your eligibility and your information is received by ETS, you will receive an email giving you access to the Educator Ethics assessment system.
How much does it cost?
The fee is $30.00 and is nonrefundable.
When will my scores be available?
Scores are displayed on screen after each end-of module test and are also available through “My History” in the Educator Ethics system.
Note: At the end of each end-of-module test, you will see the correct answer for each question, your response, and a rationale for the correct answer. This information is only available on this screen; it is not available in “My History” with your scores; once you leave this screen, you will not be able to see it again.
How do I know if I passed?
You receive a percentage correct and a status of completed or not completed for each end-of-module test and the summative test. Although you do not receive an overall test score, you do receive an overall status of "Passed" or "Not Passed" for the assessment.
How do I send scores to my program provider?
Your institution is able to see your scores on the state's secure website. For course assignments that require documentation, you can provide a screenshot of the date you passed the assessment from the My Assessments tab in your MyPSC account.
What if I have questions or need technical help?
Office of Professional Education Services
301 Baytree Road
皇家华人, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
皇家华人, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.219.3535