Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (PPEM)
The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) will be using Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (PPEM) as part of the process of assessing educator preparation program (EPP) effectiveness beginning in academic year 2018-2019. Teacher Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (TPPEM) and Leader Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (LPPEM) will measure program quality and program impact on teaching and learning in P-12 schools. According to the GaPSC, by using PPEMs to measure EPPs several goals will be accomplished:
- Hold EPPs accountable to high program standards
- Apply a consistent set of state-determined effectiveness measures across all teacher and leader preparation programs
- Improve the effectiveness of teacher and leader preparation programs
- Inform the citizens of Georgia about preparation program quality
- Improve teaching and learning in P-12 schools
An EPP score will be calculated for both TPPEM and LPPEM. This score will be based on candidate performance on program measures and results from outcome measures. For TPPEM, outcome measures represent 50% and program measures represent 50% of the TPPEM score. Program data will also be reported and a score calculated. These scores will be shared with the public via a dashboard available on the GaPSC website.
The goal of the PPEMs is to align with Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) standards and, as such, for programs that perform at the highest of the four new performance levels, (“Exemplary”) there is a possibility of permitting a less stringent review process from CAEP. The opposite, however, can be said for those programs designated as “Low Performing” or “At Risk of Low Performing.”
For more information on the PPEM changes and timeline, visit the .
Office of Professional Education Services
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皇家华人, GA 31698 -
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