Information regarding room assignments, VSU Box number (mailing address), telephone number, roommate's name, and phone number will be available online by mid-July. Please check the main Housing page for the exact date. This will also include information about your Residence Hall and various tips pertaining to your move into campus housing.

Information about each Residence Hall, including building descriptions, hall staff information, and pictures, can be found on the Residence Halls page.

Housing assignments are made for both new and returning students on a first-come, first-serve basis. The online application will display only the halls which are applicable for you. Generally, freshmen have a choice between Patterson, Langdale, Brown, Reade, Lowndes, and Georgia. Upperclassmen have the choice between Centennial, Georgia, and Hopper. Housing and Residence Life attempts to place students in one of their preferred halls, but students should be aware that assignments are made based on the availability of space in each residence hall. The sooner you register, the better your chances of getting the assignment you want. Typically those that apply in the fall semester prior to attending VSU (approximately a year in advance) get their first or second choice in hall preference. Those that apply later, get whatever is left at that point. The early bird definitely catches the worm when it comes to assignments!

Yes, VSU requires incoming freshmen (first year, first time students) to live in the residence halls, but housing is not guaranteed. It is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. A first year student may apply for an exemption if they fall into one of the categories listed below: Living with and commuting daily from the legal residence of a parent or grandparent within a 50 mile driving distance from 皇家华人 State University; Married; Single parent; 20 years of age prior to September 1 of the academic year. *documentation required for all categories All freshmen who do not plan to live on campus, including those who fall into one of the above categories, are required to complete and submit a Freshman Residency Exemption Form. The student will receive a written reply from the Office of Housing and Residence Life. All materials are due thirty (30) days prior to the first class day of the term of which the exemption is requested. Please visit the Freshman Residency Exemption page for more information or to access the Freshman Residency Exemption Form.

Any VSU student is eligible to live in the residence halls, and students who apply for housing will be assigned as long as space is available. Family members (including but not limited to children and spouses) of students are not permitted to live in the residence halls.

Due to the amount of space available, all students are not guaranteed on campus housing. Housing assignments are made on a first-come, first-serve basis, so apply early to ensure that you receive on campus housing.

New students may sign up for housing up until the first day of classes in the fall semester. The earlier you apply the more likely you are to receive the residence hall of your choice. Applications are accepted as early as the Fall semester of the previous academic year. Please check our main page or call (229-333-5920) for the specific date.

Accommodations are requested by the student through the Access Office. A request for accommodations is evaluated based on the student's documentation. Please visit the Access Office for details regarding documentation requirements and accommodations available for specific disabilities.

On the online application, students may select two of the halls presented to them. The application displays only the halls applicable to the student. Typically, freshmen have the choice between Langdale, Brown, Patterson, Reade (Honor students), Lowndes, and Georgia. Upperclassmen have the choice between Centennial, Georgia and Hopper.

The availability of private rooms is determined at the beginning of each semester based on that semester's occupancy. A student who desires a private room should see his or her Residence Hall Director at the beginning of September for Fall and the middle of January for Spring to determine whether they will be offered for the semester. The cost is an additional 40% of the current room rate.

The housing waiting list is generally used in the Fall semester to accommodate students who wish to live on campus but have not yet received housing. Once this process starts, the housing application will automatically be replaced with the wait list form. Therefore, to be placed on this list, you need to visit the housing application through your banner account. (Note: Once there, click on “Student & Financial Aid” and you should see the “Apply For Housing”) Once we are able to accommodate you with a space, you will be contacted to submit a Housing Application and a Contract and to pay a $250 deposit/application fee to reserve that space. Due to the demand for housing, those who are called off the wait list will have 24 hours to respond and turn in all necessary documentation. So, be ready! The duration of the waiting period is contingent upon the availability of unoccupied space in the residence halls. Being on the waiting list does not guarantee a space, so please plan accordingly.