
  • Cengage/Ed2Go policy on refunds for Career Training Programs is that there are no refunds once the course is accessed either by requesting materials or viewing lessons.
  • The majority of Cengage/Ed2Go programs can be completed within 90 to 180 days. Cengage/Ed2Go will work with students until they are able to complete their program. Extensions and temporary suspensions are available.
  • Students are given all materials and complete access to their entire course upon registration, so partial refunds are not an option.

Financial Aid Options

Certificate programs offered through VSU Professional & Community Education are non-academic credit courses, so they do not qualify for federal aid. In some states, vocational rehab or workforce development boards may pay for qualified students to take our courses. However, there are alternatives:

  • For those interested in enrolling in our online certificate programs offered in conjunction with Ed2Go Online Advanced Career Training*, go to the page.

  • Sallie Mae Student Loans: 
* Resources listed above are for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement by VSU Professional & Community Education.