Requirements for Minor

The minor consists of a total of 15 hours that includes one required course (WGST 3000 or WGST 3200) and four electives in WGST. Courses taken to satisfy core areas A through F cannot be counted as coursework in the minor. A grade of "C" or better must be earned in each course comprising the minor, and all prerequisites for specific upper division courses must be met. 

Beginning Spring 2023, the following coursework is required for a minor in WGST:

Required Courses:

ONE of the following is required for the minor.

WGST 3000 
WGST 3200

Elective Courses:

Any 4 upper division courses with a WGST prefix.

WGST 3000/4000 Any four upper division coures with WGSS prefix.


Graduate Students:

If you are a Graduate student in any of our graduate programs at VSU you are welcome to take a WGST Special Topics course to satisfy your resreach or concentration areas.

WGST 6600 Special Topics in Women’s & Gender Studies (3):

This course explores specific topics or themes in gender/women’s studies based on a feminist approach. A variety of topics from different fields of study are offered from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics of material not normally covered in the regular curriculum are offered. May be repeated.