Hurricane and Severe Weather Information  

The information provided on this page is useful for students to prepare their room for possible impacts from a tropical weather system. 

In the event of a weather event and campus closure announcement, students should follow guidance of campus communications. In most instances Housing Residence Halls will remain open for residential students depending on guidance from emergency management officials. 

Before, during, and after a storm, you are encouraged to check the University’s website for updates and cancellation of classes and events. You should check the website for the date that classes will resume. The University will use email to notify you of cancellation of classes and reopening of the university.  


Preparing for Severe Weather 

You will be responsible for gathering your own supplies and preparing for the storm. During the storm, the University may lose power or water. Conditions may be uncomfortable until amenities are restored. Please prepare accordingly with the recommendations below: 

  • Secure enough water for your consumption and use. It is recommended you have 2 gallons per person per day. 
  • Purchase non-perishable food items to have on hand should on campus service not be available. Whenever possible, food service facilities will be open or food will be provided for on-campus residents if the emergency period is expected to extend beyond 24 hours.  
  • Get a flashlight with extra batteries. In the event of a power outage, flashlights will not be provided to students. Candles are not permitted, as they are especially hazardous in inclement weather situations. 
  • Laptop computers and cell phones should be fully charged prior to the arrival of the tropical weather condition. If you would like to keep your phone or tablet charged when there is no power, we recommend purchasing a portable power bank. Please note that internet and cell phone service may be interrupted due to weather conditions. 
  • Fill your vehicle gas tank (if applicable). If you have a vehicle but are not using it to travel to another destination, move and park your vehicle in one of the two parking deck facilities with the emergency brake set and in park. All windows should be closed and the vehicle locked. If unable to park in a parking deck, do not park under any trees or other areas where risk of items falling on your vehicle are possible. Vehicles not parked in an appropriate parking area, (i.e. motorcycles in bicycle racks, cars in loading zones) may be removed or towed at the owner’s expense. 


Preparing Your Housing Room for Severe Weather 

  • Avoid having items in front of windows. 
  • Computers, TVs, electronics, etc. should be raised off the floor.  Unplug all electronics and other appliances that are not needed. 
  • Place other personal items from the floor (shoes, rugs, clothes, boxes, suitcases, etc.) on top of shelves, beds, or dressers. Place smaller items inside drawers and closets.  
  • Close and lock all windows. 
  • With the possibility of losing power, you are encouraged to discard all perishable food items.  It is often helpful to place a towel around the bottom of your refrigerator to collect any water that may collect from ice melting and temperature changes. 
  • If you leave campus, please remove all trash from your room or apartment before leaving and dispose in the appropriate receptacles. 
  • If you leave campus, turn lights off. 
  • If you leave campus, you are encouraged to take items of sentimental and monetary value (i.e. photos, keepsakes, electronics, jewelry, money) with you. 
  • If you leave campus, lock your door and take your key with you. 
  • If you leave campus, set air conditioning and or heat on appropriate temperature for when you return (example: in warmer weather, set temp on low at 72* so building can quickly cool when power is restored). 


What To Do During Severe Weather 

  • If you choose to leave campus you should plan to do so at the earliest time suggested by University communications. You should NEVER travel in the direction of severe weather and you should NEVER leave when severe weather conditions have started. Be realistic about the time it might take to travel to a new location. In severe weather, travel will take longer and valuable resources such as fuel may be limited along your path.  
  • For the safety and security of our students and that of our first response agencies, you are advised to stay indoors during inclement weather. Emergency response agencies may not be able to respond to your needs during severe weather conditions. Also be aware that tree limbs and trees may continue to fall after the storm has passed. Please do not leave the buildings until cleared by University Housing staff to do so. 
  • The main University Housing office will close when the University closure takes effect; however, professional live-on staff and student RA staff will be on site at each front desk to manage severe weather protocols and monitor residential conditions during the storm. 
  • Facilities staff will be on hand to monitor the storm and the physical condition of the buildings.  If you see damage to a building, please report it to the HEART staff. Staff will be on hand to work on the issue once it is safe. Stay out of flooded areas, as they may be extremely dangerous (i.e. energized by downed power lines).  
  • In the event of a power outage, Georgia Power will be notified and all efforts will be made to restore power as quickly as possible. 
  • Please note, all University policies remain in effect during the closure. Students in University Housing will be held responsible for misconduct that occurs during the closure. 
  • Limited dining will be provided for students staying on campus during severe weather when it’s safe to provide. If power is out, dining options will be items such as sandwiches, fruit, chips, and a drink and may be distributed at the front desk of each residence hall.  
  • Additionally, guests are not permitted in your residence hall during the time the campus is closed. Non-residents must vacate the building and may not re-enter until the University has officially reopened. 
  • Report all accidents, injuries, broken windows or excessive water tothe HEART team. 

Tornado/Flooding Information: 

  • The eastern side of a hurricane is known to create the potential for the threat of tornadoes in addition to the heavy winds and rain. 
  • In the event of a tornado warning, remaining residents should shelter in place away from exterior walls, doors, and windows as follows:  
    • Lowndes, Patterson, and Reade Halls should move into the first floor hallways with the room door closed.  
    • Students in Hopper and Georgia Halls should move to the bathrooms away from windows with suite doors closed.  
    • Students in Centennial Hall should move to the bathrooms with doors closed. 
  • Although unlikely, in the event of flooding, residents on the higher level floors will be required to allow entry to students remaining on the first floor whose spaces are affected by flooding. Should flooding occur, contact the HEART team and seek shelter on the second floor or higher. 


Important Information Resources 

  • HEART MOBILE NUMBER 229.375.3482 
  • 皇家华人 State Email
  • 皇家华人.edu website
  • Twitter: @valdostastate 
  • Instagram: @valdostastate and @blazerdining 
  • Facebook: 皇家华人 State University and Blazer Dining 
  • Blazer Guardian Rave App:  
  • Lowndes County CodeRED Alerts: Text LowndesEMA to 99411 
  • Georgia Emergency Management Agency:  
  • NOAA Doppler Radar: